Greater Madison MPO

Welcome to the Greater Madison Metropolitan planning organization (MPO)

The Greater Madison Metropolitan Planning Organization leads the collaborative planning and funding of a sustainable, equitable transportation system for the Greater Madison region. The MPO is responsible for comprehensive planning and decision making to build agreement on transportation investments that balance roadway, public transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation needs to achieve an exceptional quality of life for all within the region.

Upcoming Meetings

What's New at MPO

Public Hearing Notice: Amendment to the Connect Greater Madison 2050 Regional Transportation Plan & 2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

We will hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Connect Greater Madison 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the 2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on Wednesday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The hearing invites comments or concerns regarding the amendment, which would:

  1. Add the I-39/90/94 (Beltline Highway to North County Line) Capacity Expansion Project to the Fiscally Constrained Plan.
  2. Add the USH 51 (Stoughton Road North) (Milwaukee Street to I-39/90/94) Reconstruction Project to the Fiscally Constrained Plan and the 2025-2029 TIP.
  3. Revise the North-South Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in the Fiscally Constrained Plan to align with the adopted Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA), as detailed in the February 3, 2025 memorandum.

Transit Development Plan (TDP)

The Transit Development Plan is a short- to medium-range strategic plan intended to identify transit needs and proposed improvements for a five-year planning horizon. The Greater Madison MPO is responsible for developing and maintaining the TDP with assistance and cooperation from Metro Transit and other transit providers.

The Draft 2025-2029 Transit Development Plan was available for public review and comment through December 31, 2024. At their January 8, 2025 meeting, the MPO Policy Board was provided with a presentation on the TDP update. The MPO Policy Board postponed action on the TDP until their February 5, 2025 meeting, at which they adopted the plan.

MPO Secures $1 Million to Enhance Roadway Safety Across Dane County

We have been awarded $1 million in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to enhance safety for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians throughout Dane County.

This funding will assist the City of Fitchburg, the Village of Shorewood Hills, and Dane County in creating targeted safety action plans. Additionally, it will support the Village of Cottage Grove’s Active Transportation Plan and the City of Verona’s Safe Routes to School Plan—each a critical step towards making local roadways, sidewalks, and bike paths safer for all residents.

ACCESSIBILITY AND Language Access ServiceS

We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to all, regardless of technology or ability.

We follow Section 508 of the Workforce Rehabilitation Act and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act to the best of our abilities.

If you have trouble using a resource due to an accessibility problem, please let us know. We are committed to fixing these issues and appreciate your help identifying them. Report an accessibility issue here.

For hearing impaired, please use Wisconsin Relay 711 or email.

If information is needed in another language, please contact the City of Madison Civil Rights Department at (608) 266-4910.

如果信息是需要另一种语言,然后致电 (608) 266-4910 市的麦迪逊民权处

Si se necesita información en otro idioma, póngase en contacto con la Ciudad de Departamento de Derechos Civiles de Madison al (608) 266-4910.

Yog tias cov lus qhia uas yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv lwm yam lus, ces hu mus rau lub nroog ntawm Madison lub Civil Rights Department ntawm (608) 266-4910.