Location: 100 State St., Suite 400 Madison, WI 53703 Contact: Tel: (608) 266-4336 Email: MPO Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm MPO employees are working remotely part-time. For this reason, please contact staff before visiting the office in person. |
Public TransitTransit Development Plan (TDP) The Transit Development Plan is a short- to medium-range strategic plan intended to identify transit needs and proposed improvements for a five-year planning horizon. The Greater Madison MPO is responsible for developing and maintaining the TDP with assistance and cooperation from Metro Transit and other transit providers. The Draft 2025-2029 Transit Development Plan was available for public review and comment from November 27, 2024 through December 31, 2024. At their January 8, 2025 meeting, the MPO Policy Board was provided with a presentation on the TDP update. The MPO Policy Board postponed action on the TDP until their February 5, 2025 meeting. Please submit comments to Ben Lyman and they will be provided to the Policy Board for consideration.
DRAFT 2025-2029 Transit Development Plan (PDF) (36 MB) DRAFT Appendix B: Glossary (PDF) (1 MB) DRAFT Appendix C: Transit-Related Goals (PDF) (1 MB) DRAFT Appendix D: Status of 2013-2017 Recommendations (PDF) (1 MB) DRAFT Appendix E: Public Participation (PDF) (6 MB) DRAFT Appendix F: Performance Measures (PDF) (1 MB) Note that this Draft Transit Development Plan does not include any recommendations or updates to service planning guidelines. These will be developed and adopted separately in 2025. 2013-2017 Transit Development Plan (PDF) The 2013-2017 TDP was adopted in the Spring of 2013. Key recommendations included:
Public Transit in Dane County Public transit service is available to many communities in Dane County.
For a list of maps related to public transit, click here. For more information and analysis of existing transit services and recommendations for future transit improvements, see the Transit Development Plan below. In addition, specialized transportation service is available for qualified individuals and trips. Bus Stop Amenities Study Having the correct amenities at a bus stop is critically important. A 2018 study of the Impact of Bus Stop Improvements found statistically signification increases in overall stop-level ridership as well as reduced paratrasit demand at improved stops. The Bus Stop Amenities Study contains recommendations for additional stop amenities and offers guidance on design for new transit stops. Further, the study evaluates existing stops based on the newly established guidelines, identifying areas where amenities should be added or relocated. Metro Transit Onboard Passenger Survey Spring 2024 Metro Transit Onboard Passenger Survey The Greater Madison MPO, in cooperation with Metro Transit, Cambridge Systematics, and Canete-Medina Consulting Group conducted a transit passenger survey in the spring of 2024. MPO staff are reviewing survey responses and conducting quality assurance reviews prior to analyzing or publishing response data. The final report from Cambridge Systematics provides a high-level overview of responses as well as reporting on the survey process itself. Spring 2015 Metro Transit Onboard Passenger Survey The Greater Madison MPO, in cooperation with Metro Transit, Cambridge Systematics, and others, conducted a transit passenger survey in winter/spring 2015. Click on the link below to download the summary and see the results. Transit onboard surveys are generally completed every five years. The 2015 Metro Transit onboard survey updates the last onboard survey completed in 2008. Information requested from participants includes trip information such as origin and destination, demographic information such as age and household income, and satisfaction on specific aspects of Metro Transit service. The onboard survey is primarily used for two purposes:
The survey was conducted on weekdays, generally Monday through Thursday on Routes 1 through 75. UW circulator routes, supplemental school day service, and paratransit service were not included in the survey. Survey staff used two methods to survey riders – personal interviews with a computer tablet and self-administered paper surveys. 5,763 complete and valid surveys were collected. As a comparison, about 45,000 rides per weekday were taken on Metro Transit on Routes 1 through 75. |
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