The Greater Madison Area is growing. Between 2020 and 2050, the population is forecast to grow by 35%, adding nearly 195,000 additional people and nearly 127,000 new jobs. To accommodate that growth, the region must have an integrated, well-planned transportation network that meets the needs of all who live, work, or play here.
The purpose of the Connect Greater Madison 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is to identify how the region intends to invest in the transportation system to accommodate current travel demands and future growth, while setting investment priorities balancing limited funds. The plan includes strategies to address important trends such as rapidly evolving transportation technology and the rise of teleworking, as well as addressing critical issues including equity and climate change. The RTP addresses all transportation modes, including roadways, public transit, bicycling, pedestrians, inter-regional travel, and freight.
Connect Greater Madison 2050 identifies nearly $12.5 billion in regional multimodal investments over the next three decades. The RTP will ensure that transportation projects are coordinated between the various levels of government (municipal, county, state, and federal). Finally, the plan ensures the eligibility of projects for federal transportation funding, as it serves as the framework for guiding federally funded transportation investments.
Federal law requires RTPs for urban areas over 50,000 in population as a condition for spending federal highway and transit funding. RTPs must:
- Forecast for demand for transportation facilities and services for 20 or more years
- Identify policies, strategies, and projects that are recommended for the future
- Include both short-range and long-range strategies and actions that lead to the development of an integrated multi-modal transportation system
- Contain reasonable cost estimates for identified capital investments and operations and maintenance
- Be updated every five years
The Connect Greater Madison 2050 RTP was adopted in May 2022, replacing the previous RTP 2050.
Connect Greater Madison was developed in coordination with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission’s 2050 Regional Development Framework, which serves as the region’s advisory land use guide. The Framework draws on public priorities, local government input, and growth projections to establish goals, objectives, and strategies for accommodating future growth in the Dane County region.
See how the MPO and CARPC plan collaboratively for the Madison region: Greater Madison Plans Together |