MGR Govindarajan1
Liz Callin1
Derek Field1
Barbara Harrington-McKinney1
John Duncan1
Tom Lynch 1,6
Richelle Andrae2
Paul Esser 2
Clement Abongwa2
*Mark Opitz 3
Phil Caravello3
**Doug Wood 3
Kristi Williams 4
Michelle Ellias 5 |
Appointed by:
1 Mayor of Madison
2 Dane County Executive
3 Small Cities and Villages
4 Towns
5 WisDOT
6 Transit agency representative
* Chair
** Vice Chair |
The Greater Madison MPO is governed by a 14-member Policy Board appointed by the local units of government within the Metropolitan Planning Area, Dane County, and Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
Policy Board shall consist of:
- Elected officials
- Officials of public agencies that administer or operate major modes of transportation in the metropolitan area,
- and
appropriate State officials
In addition, appointees must reside within the Metropolitan Planning Area.
The appointments to the MPO Policy Board serve two-year terms and are made as follows:
- The Mayor of Madison appoints six members. Four of the six appointees must be elected officials. One must be a non-elected official representative of Metro Transit.
- The Dane County Executive appoints three members. Two of the three appointees must be elected officials.
- Three members are appointed to represent other cities and villages in the Metropolitan Area. Appointment is by a simple majority vote of the chief elected officials of these cities and villages. Two of the three appointees must be elected officials
- One member is appointed to represent the towns. Appointment is made by a simple majority vote of the Chairpersons of the towns with land area within the Metropolitan Planning Area. The appointee must be an elected official.
- The WisDOT Secretary appoints one member to represent the department.
Contact the Policy Board