Greater Madison MPO



MGR Govindarajan1

Liz Callin1

Derek Field1

Barbara Harrington-McKinney1

John Duncan1

Tom Lynch 1,6

Richelle Andrae2

Paul Esser 2


Clement Abongwa2

*Mark Opitz 3

Phil Caravello3

**Doug Wood 3

Kristi Williams 4

Michelle Ellias 5

Appointed by:

1 Mayor of Madison
2 Dane County Executive
3 Small Cities and Villages

4 Towns
5 WisDOT
6 Transit agency representative

* Chair

** Vice Chair

The Greater Madison MPO is governed by a 14-member Policy Board appointed by the local units of government within the Metropolitan Planning Area, Dane County, and Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

Policy Board shall consist of:

  1. Elected officials
  2. Officials of public agencies that administer or operate major modes of transportation in the metropolitan area,
  3. and appropriate State officials

In addition, appointees must reside within the Metropolitan Planning Area.

The appointments to the MPO Policy Board serve two-year terms and are made as follows:

  • The Mayor of Madison appoints six members. Four of the six appointees must be elected officials. One must be a non-elected official representative of Metro Transit.
  • The Dane County Executive appoints three members. Two of the three appointees must be elected officials.
  • Three members are appointed to represent other cities and villages in the Metropolitan Area. Appointment is by a simple majority vote of the chief elected officials of these cities and villages. Two of the three appointees must be elected officials
  • One member is appointed to represent the towns. Appointment is made by a simple majority vote of the Chairpersons of the towns with land area within the Metropolitan Planning Area. The appointee must be an elected official.
  • The WisDOT Secretary appoints one member to represent the department.

Contact the Policy Board