MPO employees are working remotely part-time. For this reason, please contact staff before visiting the office in person.
Part I Maps
Figure 1: Madison Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Boundaries (1 MB)
Figure 4: Urban Service Areas of Dane County, Wisconsin (1 MB)
Figure 6: 2001 Total Daily Trip Flows from Madison's Southwest and Southeast Areas (1MB)
Figure 7: Work Trip Commuting between Counties: 2000 (0.5 MB)
Figure 9: Percent of Workers Commuting to City of Madison: 1970 (0.5 MB)
Figure 10: Percent of Workers Commuting to City of Madison: 2000 (0.5 MB)
Figure 12: Roadway Functional Classification System (1 MB)
Figure 13: 1990-2000 Madison Urban Area Annual Average Daily Traffic Growth (0.5 MB)
Figure 14: 2000 Roadway Congestion Levels, Madison Area, Dane County (1 MB)
Figure 15: Motor Vehicle High Crash Frequency Locations in the City of Madison (2 MB)
Figure 16: Motor Vehicle Crash Rate Summary for State Roadways, Madison Area, Dane County (3 MB)
Figure 17: Pavement Condition of Regional Arterial and Collector Roadways (2005) (3 MB)
Figure 18: Madison Metro and Monona Transit Systems Service Area (2005) (1 MB)
Figure 21: Metro Transit Regular Fixed-Route Average Weekday Ridership by Bus Stop (2 MB)
Figure 24: Existing Bicycle Facilities (3 MB)
Figure 28: Sidewalk Inventory of Regional Roadways (3 MB)
Figure 30: Location of Pedestrian Crashes in City of Madison: 2002-2004 (2 MB)
Figure 35: Commodity Flow Tonnages, Dane County (2003) (0.5 MB)
Figure 36: Freight Facilities and Service (3 MB)