Greater Madison MPO

car and bike sharing

Car share and bike share services make it easier to leave your personal vehicle at home – or get rid of it altogether – without sacrificing convenient access to a car or bike when you need one.


ZipCar is a flexible option that allows you to avoid the expense and hassle of daily car commuting and parking, by providing convenient access to a vehicle for quick trips when needed. ZipCar rents cars by the hour and day, and offers monthly and annual memberships. There are currently 25 convenient locations with over 43 vehicles throughout downtown Madison and the UW campus.


Madison BCycle is a 100% electric bike share service with over 90 stations and hundreds of e-bikes rentable by the half hour or longer. BCycle stations are located in Madison, Fitchburg, Monona, and McFarland, and the network is constantly expanding. BCycle offers a fun, efficient way to grab lunch, run an errand, and enjoy fresh air on a nice day.